Sesame Snowballs

You will love these Sesame snowballs for winter warmth and cheer. I came up with these simplest, tastiest golf ball sized treat to stave off winter’s chill. I also had a craving for the childhood flavors of roasted sesame seeds.

Dear reader, if you are wondering why Delhi gets so cold in winters, then read on.

Delhi winters are notorious for their severe biting cold. Delhi’s proximity to the Himalayas meant that it was easy for us to head over for summer holidays to beat the heat, but it also meant that winter cold waves marked with wind chill could make us all very icy. Delhi winters are also marked by dense fog and haze which cuts off sunlight resulting in colder days. Added to this was the fact that we lived in a government bungalow built during the British raj. The brits found the extreme heat in summer hard to tolerate and so the tall ceilings bringing cool ventilating air in the scorching heat. However, they forgot to account for the biting cold winters. Which my family didn’t know much about having migrated from the warm southern belt to Delhi where dad held a military position. And so this is how, that winter’s day found me, in grade 8, chattering teeth and all, having pulled up my tartan sweater to its full zippered length.

Neeru Chadha observed me carefully, waiting for the school bus with chattering teeth. Thoughtfully, Neeru dipped her hand into her coat blazer and pulled out nuts and raisins that she seemed to have an endless supply of. She handed me some and said ‘you’ve got to have heat inside you, take these, their energy will warm you’. I did and I must say I felt better, but can’t recall whether it was the tasty pine nut, raisin combo that had me forgot Delhi’s December for a few minutes.

My treat today owes its origins to deep down south where my ancestors came from. Sesame is considered to be a complete ayurvedic food. It helps lubricate internal organs and keeps skin supple. It helps moisturize hair and skin. It helps boost energy levels and I have to admit I love massages when I use sesame oil. Internally & externally supporting you, why not give my sesame snowballs a try.

You need

½ cup white sesame seeds ( I get organic sesame seeds)

¼ cup jaggery (Indian country sugar block)

Dry roast the sesame seeds till they pop & crackle & turn golden brown. Set aside. Stir in the jaggery and roll the mixture into golf sized balls. You don’t any added fat as the warmed sesame will release natural oils that bind easily to the jaggery.

With temperatures plummeting and snowy days, pop one in your mouth before you head out into the cold. Stay warm and stay safe!




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